Ramuan HerbalTurunkan kolesterol Herbal ingredients Lower cholesterol
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Assalamualaikum wr wb
Salam Sejahtera untuk kita semua
Sehat Selalu dan Sukses Tentunya
Ramuan herbal ini sebetulnya ada
Di sekitar kita...!
Cukup konsisten konsumsi cek up
Tak perlu waktu lama Seminggu
Insyaallah bisa rasakan khasiatnya
Mau tahu?
ini dia solusinya
Rebusan Ketumbar dan Bekatul
Beras Merah
Bahan Ramuan
1. 50gr Biji Ketumbar
2. 50gr Bekatul Beras Merah
3. 1Sm Madu Murni/Asli
4. 1Lt Air Mineral
Cara membuat
1. Rebus Biji ketumbar bersama
Bekatul Beras Merah dengan 1lt
Air Panas
2. Diamkan sampai dingin
3. Saring Kemudian Tambahkan
Minum Sehari 2× Pagi dan malam
Insyaallah Kolesterol anda TurunDan kembali normal
Demikian Selamat Mencoba
Semoga bermanfaat
Terima kasih
Ahmad Jaly
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Greetings to all of us
Always Healthy and Successful Of course
This herbal concoction actually exists
Around us...!
Quite consistent consumption check up
No need for time
here it is the solution
Coriander and Bran Stew
Brown rice
1. 50gr Coriander Seeds
2. 50gr of brown rice bran
3.1Sm Pure / Original Honey
4.1Lt Mineral Water
How to make
1. Boil the coriander seeds together
Brown Rice Bran with 1lt
Hot water
2. Let it cool
3. Filter Then Add
Drink 2 × a day morning and night
God willing Cholesterol God willing, your cholesterol goes down and returns to normal
So Good luck
May be useful
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See also: Potions of the Efficacious Herbal Village http://ramuankampungberkhasiat.blogsot.com
thank you
Ahmad Jaly
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